Things to do in Madeira this May – Part 2

Steilküste bei Boaventura, Nordküste, Insel Madeira, Portugal

Are you ready for Things to do in Madeira this May – Part 2? The fun just never stops this spring on the Island of the Eternal Spring.

We already talked about two of the main events scheduled to take place in Madeira this coming month: the Fica na Cidade Festival and the Flower Festival, both of them entailing a lot of fun in the sun, folklore, flowers and car shows.

But what more is it that the municipality has in store for this May 2018?

The Laurisilva forest with its myriad “levadas” is one of the most fascinating and beautiful ecosystems in the world. You will instantly fall in love with its cool and green tranquility; and you would not be the only one to try to protect this beautiful and fragile world. The Madeira Film Festival (scheduled for 14-20 May this year) is a non-competitive festival that has as a main aim the idea of promoting and protecting the Laurisilva forest in particular and nature in general. The Laurisilva forest is a UNESCO natural world heritage site and there are a lot of films made about it by locals and not only. Some of these productions will also be aired during this year’s festival edition either at the Municipal Theatre Baltazar Dias in Funchal or at the Belmond Reid’s Palace Hotel on the island.

You probably already know that people in Madeira have a tendency to celebrate most everything, so why would they not celebrate the humble and banale onion? Canico celebrates Festa da Cebola this year from 19 to 21 May. this is a tribute to the many local farmers who grow onions and commercialize them. The celebration will not be restricted to onions, of course; there will be flowers, music and dance and a lot of entertainment.

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by Madeira Airport Transfer